segunda-feira, outubro 25, 2004

Mais umas quizes (é o que me entretem agora...) =/

Pink Chii

Chobits - What Color Chii Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Chii!  Adoreable, Sweet, Loving
You are Chii!

What Chobits Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your half- angel. Not exactly human, but not quite
angel, you walk on earth freely. Half-Angels
have no wings, but tend to show some signs.
Some ways to notice these are that the girl
never menstrates, she cannot bleed, and her
touch seems to give of a glow. No one really
knows how half-angels are born. Some say that
when a child is born, one of the angels blesses
her with her gifts. Others say that they are
cursed creatures, because half-angels cannot
die, while their familly and friends around
them do. Hlaf-Angels are very beautiful and
Kind, and have the power to speak to animals,
but at the same time, sad that they are this
way. Some Half-Angels love being human. Being
able to see, smell, hear, taste,and feel are
all miracles to them. They crave to be more
human-all the time.

What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla

Your Aeris
Your Aeris! You are a very caring and mysteries
girl. You always worry about your loved ones.
At first glance people might think that your a
happy girl with no worries but deep down inside
you are a confused individual. Believe in
yourself more, then you will conquer all.

Which Female Character from Final Fantasy Vii Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Blogger teste said...

eu sou um anjo da guarda!!
e desculpa n ter vindo antes ao teu blog, mas tive de ir jantar... sorry!!

10:45 da tarde  

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