sexta-feira, outubro 22, 2004

Christina Aguilera - Reflections

Look at me, you may think you see who I really am
But you’ll never know me
Every day, it’s as if I played a part
Now I see, if I wear a mask I can fool the world, but I cannot fool my heart

Who is that girl I see?
Staring straight back at me
When will my reflection show who I am inside?

I am now in a world where I have to hide my heart
And where I believe it
But somehow I will show the world what’s inside my heart
And be loved from who I am

Who is that girl I see
Staring straight back at me
Why is my reflection someone I don’t know?
Must I pretend that I’m someone else for all time?
When will my reflection show who I am inside
There’s heart that must be free to fly
That burns with a need to know the reason why
Why must we all conceal
What we think how we feel
Must there be a secret me I’m forced to hide
I won’t pretend that I’m someone else for all time
When will my reflection show who I am inside
When will my reflection show who I am inside

This is how I really fel inside... like if I don't know myself.. like if I can't show to no one who I am inside.. who I really am... I'm trying to change.. even though it's difficult... really difficult to do it alone.. all by my own...

In only a few months I've changed so much.. I've got so scared about and with everything in the world... I'm so helpless... =/
I'm figthing against it.. against this fear that I have... against my weak self esteem... against all this things I've learned to have without no reason... just for you... for me.. for us...

I'm trying to change.. to be... what I really am... to show you how I am.. who I am...

Hope I can do it...

Love you =)



Blogger teste said...

... tu não +precisas de provar a ninguém o que quer que seja, não precisas de mostrar quem realmente és... quem te rodeia e se interessa por ti é que tem de tentar descobrir. a ti, cabe te a+penas e só agir com naturalidade... e alegria. essa tua tristeza quase constante preocupa me... :(

11:58 da manhã  

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